Saturday, January 20, 2018


Another year… blessed to be alive! Alas, without a few friends and family who did not make it but I am hopeful that they are at peace in a better place.
I hope to document my path this year through notes and pictures again.
Making a habit takes 21 days … says some research somewhere.  Hoping to test it out with the most difficult habits I have been trying to form.
1) 25 crunches per day 2) 64 oz of water per day 3) lemon juice, hot water & honey/apple cider vinegar every am
Starting 1/21/2018 – Day 1!
Went for Rutha’s YOCJ concert at TCNJ.  She played the piccolo - a new challenge overcomed!
She also had a good interview with a Brown Alumni - who is also from PHS & a doctor in her pediatrics group (PNP).